About this Site

Once upon a time, I had free time to spare. I kept multiple blogs, each specifically for a particular subject that I found interesting and wanted to talk about. Now, I don’t have nearly as much time, so I’m consolidating down to one blog. This one. Why not just post on social media you ask? I thought that was a great idea too, so my friend Kev Quirk and I founded Fosstodon. Still, there were times where I wanted to say more than a five-hundred character limit would allow. That’s what this blog is for. I’m not planning on sticking to a particular subject, but I expect most of what I post here will be technology related, specifically FOSS. Don’t be surprised if I deviate on occasion.

5 thoughts on “About this Site

  1. Alkolkin

    Mike, you are incredible!u00a0 As I said to you, so many people tried to help me solve my Linux problem that plagued me for many months.u00a0 All of them give me convoluted answers, partial and incorrect answers, and no one but you gave me the relatively simple solution.u00a0 You are my hero!nnAl KolkinnGeezer Computers.


  2. Nickan Fayyazi

    About the iFanatical Idiocy post, I completely agree with you. In fact, cows and other animals who eat grass should sue Microsoft for using grass in the first place. That guy must have been hiding under a rock when Google took over the Android project, as he apparently thinks that Samsung ripped off Google. And he obviously is unaware of BlackBerry, Symbian, or any other mobile OS existing before 2007. 🙂



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